Affordable Calling

calls at 2¢ per minute

Get the highest quality in long distance calling at the lowest industry pricing. Enjoy flat rates of 2¢ per minute with no hidden fees, easy to understand contracts, forever!

Satisfaction Guarantee

enjoy less dropped calls

Personalized attention, customized services, training for staff, emergency support, and a low price guarantee. Netcom aims to provide you with the ultimate experience!

24/7 Support

available and in house

Our staff of highly skilled technicians are available to assist you with customer support, trouble tickets, credit card payments, online account management and general questions.


Netcom saves you money by combining advanced and innovative technology with carefully controlled growth and a detailed analysis of your communication needs. Our staff continually researches communications technology to offer you cost savings and convenient options.

Netcom offers these low long distance rates:

  • $0.02 cents a minute for all of your Domestic long distance calling.
  • $8.99 Monthly Account Fee (MAF)
  • International rates vary according to the country called.
  • Applicable government fees and taxes are added when appropriate.
  • Charges will be directly billed by Netcom Systems Group.

Contact customer service at (844) 663-8266 with your questions.

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